Chefs' Dinner
Frequently Asked Questions

What do I wear to Chefs' Dinner?
From business to cocktail attire, we'll all have a grand time!
Where do I park?
Complimentary self-parking is available in the Art Institute of Seattle parking garage with entrances on both Elliott Avenue and Wall Street. View directions to the parking garage. Please note that no valet parking will be available.
What will the menu be?
Check back closer to the event for menu details.
How much are tickets to the event and what does that include?
Tables of ten seats may be purchased for $3,000 each; individual dinner tickets are available for $300 each and reception tickets for $75 each. All tickets include an hors d'oeuvres reception with silent auction; dinner tickets also include a multi-course dinner with live auction.
Where do I submit my guests' names?
Please submit your guests' names and email addresses using our online form.
Can I bid on items if I'm not able to attend the event?
Yes! Our team is pleased to accommodate any absentee (proxy) bidders that wish to participate in the auction. Proxy bids may be placed up until 12:00 p.m. (PST) on Friday, January 26, 2018 Please call (206) 583-6514 or email to place your bid. You will be able to preview our Live Auction items approximately two weeks prior to the event.
Who should I notify regarding any special needs such as wheelchair access, etc?
Please call Adrienne Genise at (206) 223-7521 or email
How can I support Chefs' Dinner if I am unable to attend?
Make a donation online to support Bailey-Boushay House.